Monday, July 18, 2016

Meet Brother Rahl Bunsa - 2016 Catholic Men's Conference Speaker! #mensconference #Jesus #bostoncollege #bu #bc #goeagles


Today, please pray for one lukewarm brother and invite them to the conference today! 

To Register, please visit:

God Bless

Meet Brother Rahl!

Having attended Boston College and been involved in ministry work at Boston University, does that make you a die-hard Red Sox fan? 

When I moved to Boston I applied St. Paul's wisdom of becoming "all things to all men" so as to win them over to Christ. So this entailed a conscious decision to become a Red Sox fan. However, over time this grew on me and I eventually enjoyed being a Red Sox fan, although I wouldn't say a "die-hard" fan.

You have been working with young adult men for years through the Brotherhood of Hope. Please tell us the one characteristic that best defines the brotherhood for people unfamiliar with the order?  

We are a spiritual "Band of Brothers" who seek to advance God's kingdom on the front lines -- reaching out to college students at large secular universities. 

For our protestant brothers considering attending this year's 2016 Catholic Men's Conference, what is the best reason for them to spend a day with those Catholics? In pursuing our Savior's great commandment -- the only thing that really matters in life's marathon: to deepen their love for God, and to strengthen their fraternal unity with their Catholic brothers in Christ.  

'Like' the Brotherhood Today:

Friday, July 15, 2016

Get to know Father Innocent, CFR, 2016 Catholic Men's Conference Speaker #mensconference #iconsspotlight #EWTN

Brothers! August 6th is around the corner! 

Please pray for a lukewarm brother today and invite them to the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference! 

Please register them or have them register at:
Register Today!

God Bless!

Please read and learn about Father Innocent below:

What lead you to enter the Franciscan community? 

I felt the call to the priesthood early in high school.  Living in Lincoln Nebraska, there were many young diocesan priests who were great witnesses of Christ and the Gospel.  It wasn't until my Brother and I went to New York City during college for a mission trip that we came in contact with male religious orders.  Their radical witness to Christ with the vows, their dedication to prayer, their joy, and their witness of community life was very attractive to me.  Christ definitely "captured" my heart during that time and that was the beginning of my journey into religious life.  

Based on your work with the homeless and addiction, what do you believe is the greatest cause of addiction? 

Addiction of all types are usually just "symptoms" of deeper sufferings.  Men who come to live with us usually feel abounded and lonely in their life.  You could say that they feel "orphaned" and are just looking for a family to belong to.  Often our homeless brothers have experienced trauma in their life, usually connected to the breakdown of the family or some kind of abuse.  This causes great interior pain and suffering, thus they will look for any type of medication for the pain to go away.  This is where the Friars try to meet the men, right in the midst of their pain. We try to be  a comforting presence to help them experience the love and mercy of Christ.  We try to create a space where they can let go of the "world medications"  of drugs and alcohol and receive the true healing that Christ's desires to give them.  I wake up every day super grateful for the gift to walk with my brothers on this journey of healing.  

Have you had to help men addicted to pornography? What is the greatest challenge in helping men break this particular form of bondage? 

Unfortunately, pornography is becoming an epidemic in the culture.  Like any drug,  pornography has the great capacity to hold people in bondage and cause great suffering.  As of thirty or forty years ago, pornography was very hard to get and for the most part was not socially acceptable.  Today, with the onslaught of technology and the erosion of a true Christian culture, all someone has to do is turn on the TV or the I-phone and they are one click away from pornography.  Unfortunately, this type of culture can suffocate young men and woman as they are searching for happiness and the true meaning of life.  Once again, suffering and loneliness can cause young people to want to "self medicate," which often takes the form of substance or pornography.  To begin the healing process I believe that three things are helpful: The gift of authentic relationships, especially with God; living the principles and  the spirituality of the 12-Steps; and service to others.  This is the invitation we give to anyone who comes to us with a desire to find freedom.

As a Marvel comics fan and admirer of Captain America, what do we need to do to become a Christian super-hero?

I really appreciate this question! Christianity has only one superhero and Savior, and that is Jesus Christ!  The amazing thing about being a Christian is that Jesus allows us to share in his power.  He gives us his Holy Spirit in order that we might share his power and presence in the world.  What does this look like?  When we love our neighbors and lay our lives down to serve them, Christ becomes present in the world.  We we choose virtue over vice, the presence of Christ shines through us.  When we allow the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) to be made manifest in our daily lives, Jesus is alive!  

Remember, watch Father Innocent's show, Icons Spotlight, every Wednesday evening at 9:30PM on EWTN. 

God Bless!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Meet Brother Angelus -A 2016 Catholic Men's Conference Speaker #2016election #trump #hillaryclinton #ewtn #cfr #mensconference #catholicmen #christianmen #iconstv brother angelus father innocent cfr franciscan donald trump hillary clinton

For more information on the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference, please visit:

Get to know the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference Speakers! 

We are humbled to introduce, Brother Angelus, CFR!

Question 1: Brother, often times, God's graces flow from cool ministry work, such as working with youth. What is the greatest grace you have received through your youth ministry work in the Bronx, NY? 

Br. A: Walking with young people is a real gift. We don't necessarily have to have all the answers or have the perfect advice, we just need to "be there." Honestly, this takes a lot of pressure off.  As a future Priest, we will be called "father" (what is crazy!) But our call to be a brother and father to young people in their journey of life bears fruit and it is an incredible feeling. It is humbling that people invite us into their lives and are available and open enough to be vulnerable and trust what God is doing in the Christian life. 

Question 2: As a 'press secretary' for the Lord, what are your favorite and most challenging moments? 

Br A: I love talking and communicating. (I know...really!) The spoken word can have significant influence on people in one on one moments, big groups, or even on radio or TV. The Church is the world's biggest "social network" and it truly has the greatest news to share. You are loved, and willed by God, and he has called you to live a happy life with him! This is the good news that we are called to share and what I love "talking" about. One of the great challenges of being the one to speak is to know when to listen. It is a gift I desire, to truly walk with people in their lives and be a listening presence. 

Question 3: What is your favorite food to prepare and serve your brother Franciscans? 

Br A: STEAK! Being from Nebraska I love to grill steaks for the guys. Whenever we get it donated (we live off donated food!) I tell the guys -"If you don't know how to cook it, leave it to someone who does!" Steak, potatoes, grilled veggies, garlic bread - oh yeah! I owe the credit to my family. My mom taught us how to cook growing up. Now we like to cook for her, and she gets nervous! BWT: The next show we want to do is a cooking show with the Friars...oh my! 

Question 4: As a self-proclaimed political junkie, what will be the most important campaign issue in the 2016 presidential election? 

Br. A: Oh man - this could get me into trouble! The most important thing is to let our Christian faith form who we are. Voting or advocating for an issue or movement must come from our deep convictions about life, humanity, and the true  common good. These are gospel principles, ones that we do not leave at home when we enter the public square. I am a Christian/Catholic formed by my relationship with Christ and life in the Church, then sent out to make a difference in the world. 

The supreme court is obviously a significant issues that is at stake in this election, and the foundational issues of the dignity of human life, which involve the hot topics of abortion, economic justice, and immigration. All these issues have a Christian response! Our hope is that we have passionate men and women that we can vote for that allow us to be confident in bringing the best response to our nation and world's problems. 

Question 5: For people trying to decided if they can/want/need to attend the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference in Jacksonville, FL on August 6th, what is the most compelling reason to come?

Br. A: Jesus only makes sense in this very moment. He is alive now, in the very heart of our lives and is asking us to recognize him and follow him in a deeper way. There are always excuses and other things to do. Through the presence of these men in August, God is going to be present in a powerful way and in a new way. Whether you live in the local diocese or are located around the world, you are invited to experience all that God wants to do in your heart and in your life!

For more information on the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference, please visit:

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Reflection for January 19th, 2016

Interested in the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference? Email us today!


Video liturgical reflection:

Today's video reflection

Liturgical reference:

Today's readings

Practical Tip Of The Day: 

When you are about to judge today, stop and replace the judgement with a prayer. Lord, have mercy on me.

Video Of The Day:

Martin Luther King Junior and the Good Samaritan

Tips for Evangelization

For our daughters: Catholic Beauty Tips: Catholic is Beautiful

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Good Samaritan | Columbia Catholic M...

Monday, January 11, 2016

An answer to the New Age

Don't judge; Pray!

Catholic Intellectual Tradition

Do you consider yourself an intellectual regarding your faith?

Find out more about the Catholic intellectual tradition:

The Role of Men: Fatherhood

6 tips to beating the winter blues

How to thrive as a married couple

Advice for the first years:

Thrive in marriage
Interested in the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference? Email us today!


Video reflection:


Liturgical reference:

Today's readings

Practical Tip Of The Day:

Today, be nice to someone you do not know or have never thought of before.

Video Of The Day:

A reflection on how we relate to Jesus

Friday, January 8, 2016

January 8th Reflection

Interested in the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference in Jacksonville, FL? Email us!

Liturgical video reflection:

Video reflection

Liturgical reference: 

Today's readings

Practical Tip Of The Day:

Stop talking and listen. What do you hear? 

Conversion Of The Day: Fr. Robert! 

His story and ministry

Thursday, January 7, 2016

West coast bishops lead on life issues

2015 - Man of the Year for That Man is You!

Former gangster hears the call to the Catholic faith

A different trend for Catholic vocations?

Please note that between 2010 and 2014, the number of Catholic men discerning for the priesthood increased from 3483 to 3631, a 4% increase over 4 years.

There is growth and hope after years of vocational decline.

Keep praying. Prayers are always answered, in His way, on His timetable.

God Bless.

The Stats

Pope Francis stresses unity: 'We are all children of God' :: EWTN News


C4: Ignite Your Catholic Faith - The Desire for God

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Father's as family protectors

Patron saints for divorced men and women - Pray for us!

Divorce Survival Guide

January 5th, 2016 Reflection

Video liturgical reflection: 

Video liturgical reflection

Liturgical reference:

Liturgical reference

Practical Tip Of The Day: 

At this point in your life, you have probably cause for shame, sadness and disappointment. This is the beauty of Jesus and this time of the year. Renew yourself in His mercy, love and forgiveness. 

How? Confession.

Video Of The Day:


Monday, January 4, 2016

What should Catholic seniors in high school think about before moving on?

The Beauty of the Catholic Church

"How I grew up atheist and ended up Catholic" -Jennifer Fulwiler, THIRST...

Reflection for January 4th, 2016

Interested in the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference?  Email us!

Email Us!

Liturgical video reflection:

Reflection for January 4th

Liturgical reference:

Today's readings

Practical Tip Of The Day:

Jesus is right before you. Recognize and love Him. 

Video Of The Day:

New Evangelization

Online pornography's damaging effects

Pope Francis on Mother Mary

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Resource for Catholic Teacher Professional Development

CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization - Preview Clip #2

New Year's Reflection: January 3rd

Interested in learning more about the 2016 Catholic Men's Conference in Jacksonville, FL? 

Email us today: Email

Liturgical video reflection:

Video reflection

Liturgical reference:

Liturgical reference

Practical Tip Of The Day:

Find Jesus in your immediate surroundings today.

Video Of The Day:


Saturday, January 2, 2016

How to deal with an online addiction to pornography

What the future might look like with a pro-life president

The church on scientific research

Finding faith in the New Year

Friday, January 1, 2016

What Catholics say about virtues

Resource for people who are depressed

Fr. Barron comments on CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization

Points to ponder during this New Year, January 1st, 2016

Lifestyle choices for Catholics

New Year's resolutions for Catholics