Monday, November 30, 2015

Liturgy reflection: 

Today, St. Paul tells us there is no distinction between 'Greek and Jew,' that we are all sons and daughters of God, made in His image. 

But while equally made in His divine image, we have a clear choice to make to receive our Creator's favor: 

We can choose to embrace a God jealous for our hearts or we can choose everything, anything else the world has to offer. 

Think of the Lord's proposition as a matter of focus. If we choose to focus on thoughts and intentions that help to develop our loving relationship with the Lord, blessings proceed from all of our life's experiences, both those perceived to be good and bad. 


We can choose to focus on the secular. The inference here is utter loneliness, as we self-praise and worship, leaving our beloved Father out of the mix! Put Him first!

How will you choose? What will your focus be? 

God Bless you.

Practical Tip Of The Day:

Schedule to attend one Mass this week at a local Catholic Church and focus on the Mass's liturgy and homily. 

Write down one thought in a notebook, journal, daily planner that speaks to you. 

Ponder and pray over that thought and see what the Lord wants you to do next (Doubtful that this is practical? Watch the video below for inspiration.) 


Video Of The Day:

(n.b. You are not alone. God is with you. And we are here, a community of believers that share Jesus Christ as their greatest common factor. All He and we ask for you is to choose Him; be with Him. If you have any needs, questions, please email us at - )

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Do not become drowsy by the anxieties of daily life!

Good day!

Liturgy reflection:

Jesus announces that with all the challenges surrounding us, all our foibles and imperfections, that we still need to be vigilant and keep our focus on Him, on His cross. The inference is clear: Life's challenges and worldly promises are no excuse for not choosing the Lord, His way, His word. His Love. 

So try choosing peace, time with your kids, forgiveness and empty yourself of anger, resentment sin. 

How? Confession!

Liturgical reference:

Practical Tip Of The Day:

We can not do it alone! Google a community in your area that shares Jesus as the greatest common factor and join them for a get together! 

Examples: 'Your parish name' and/or 'Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) and your parish name'

Video Of The Day: Confession!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Liturgy Reflection

Share His Good News!

Liturgy reflection:

Today, Daniel and Jesus speak to the immense symbols of what heaven and God's power is like: like bright lights, fire, heat and the eternal image of a budding fig tree: Bright, energetic life!
How many of us are challenged to see heaven, earth and all its creatures as symbols of the Lord's power? How many of us are lethargic and, knowingly or unknowingly, pessimistic about all God's creation? 

It's OK. Be patient with yourself. We are easily conformed by our environments, many of which dismiss the Creator and all the evidence He surrounds us with. We become our environments. 

Today, change your environment by reading today's readings. The more you surround yourself with His Word, His promise, the more you will be renewed in spirit and become the image that God made you to be. Be His image. Amen.

Liturgical reference:

Practical Tip Of The Day:  

Read today's readings and change your environment (click here: 

Renew in His Word and become His special creation. 

Video Of The Day: 

Get pumped with Justin Fatica!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Daily Reflection

Good day!

Liturgical reflection:

Today, Daniel interprets the 'writing on the wall' on behalf of King Belshazzar. And the interpretation is not to the king's favor as he sins - praising false gods, desecrating sacred temple vessels. What is interesting is Daniel, as prophet, discerns the Lord's will, graces, judgments and mercy. And while the King is not a believer, he can not hear His truth and not be intrigued by what He says. He might miss the Lord's point, but, nonetheless, feels like he needs to hear it.

Today, let's take today's readings and promise to us to the next level. Let's make the Bible our textbook on life. While King Belshazzar is intrigued, he does not experience a real conversion even when the truth is as direct as a visual writing on a wall.

Fortunately, today, we have the Bible. If we study it, and pray over it, we will receive His graces and favor. We will be able to take all of our circumstances and make sense of them as the Lord wants us to, as His word helps us to.

May God Bless you.

Liturgical reference:

Practical Tip Of The Day:

Today, schedule 1 minute on today's calendar for total silence. Block out everything else, all the noise. May the peace of Jesus be with you!

Video of the day:

Please watch the video liturgical reflection for today, November 25th, 2015:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The 2016 Catholic Men's Conference is an open invitation for men around the world to come and celebrate Jesus Christ, His teachings, brotherhood and spiritual growth.  For more information, please email us at:

Liturgical reflection:

In today's readings, the prophet Daniel interprets King Nebuchadnezzar's dream as indicative of a new, coming kingdom. This very different definition of kingdom does not include measures that a traditional king might understand. No, they are different,  timeless, infinite and beautiful. This new kingdom and its power is not based on precious metals, such as gold and silver, but the love that is Jesus Christ. What a powerful, positive and uplifting message for all men. 


God Bless you and thank you for reading. 

Practical tip of the day:

Video of the day:

Learn more about growing your faith through the That Man Is You (TMIY) program: