Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The 2016 Catholic Men's Conference is an open invitation for men around the world to come and celebrate Jesus Christ, His teachings, brotherhood and spiritual growth.  For more information, please email us at: 


Liturgical reflection:

In today's readings, the prophet Daniel interprets King Nebuchadnezzar's dream as indicative of a new, coming kingdom. This very different definition of kingdom does not include measures that a traditional king might understand. No, they are different,  timeless, infinite and beautiful. This new kingdom and its power is not based on precious metals, such as gold and silver, but the love that is Jesus Christ. What a powerful, positive and uplifting message for all men. 


God Bless you and thank you for reading. 

Practical tip of the day:

Video of the day:

Learn more about growing your faith through the That Man Is You (TMIY) program: